Osteoarthritis of the knee

Osteoarthritis of the knee – specific target organ giving, destructive joint disease of the knee action this hryshchuk. When it happens, such a disease, doctors are watching a serious deterioration of the processes of circulation, bone, blood vessels, and causes deformation and fracture, cartilage, man feels powerful, chilling any move, kick, knee pain, knee swelling and hours some kind of change-length.


What happens during knee joint osteoarthritis?

You represent and understandably cartilage plays an important role in the process of human movement is smooth, solid and flexible gasket, unobstructed movement and load distribution, bone each other's waists walking through depreciation.

Regular but excessive stress, genetic predisposition, improper metabolism in the body long-term injuries, spasms and Nov cartilage loses smoothness and starts fine . Articulated bone cartilage thinning decreases the distance between the 80%. Abnormal friction and shock absorber during the walk due to the lack leads to the development destructive processes in the joint with osteoarthritis of the third degree is rapidly growing in this fast signs:

  • Pain movement, especially for uphill or downhill stairs.
  • During exercise and at rest pain and morning stiffness.
  • Starts patient while the backup is running loose painful joints.
  • For the pleasure of forcing severe cases, crutches or cane.

Third degree osteoarthritis of the knee joint associated with an almost complete lack of cartilage, resulting in joint mobility minimizes. Therefore, no arcane techniques, drugs and ointments etc super worn cartilage and back is not possible considering the degree of bone deformities, normal joint working is not possible. In this case, only surgical intervention can help.

Stage osteoarthritis

Most importantly, definitions of a successful treatment, the mean intensity of the degree of destructive changes in the knee joint this disease. Progresses, such as osteoarthritis features the following stages or degrees:

  • In the first stage, or 1 degree, compensated as it is often called, should be the Pathology, Clinical not yet. Sick, disturbed, disappears after a quick rest after exercise knee joint is still fully functional.
  • 2 degrees osteoarthritis, Feb compensated, the symptoms of the disease is getting stronger. Created, which is expressed pain syndrome, a However, a fixed analgesic ointments and gels used tropical. Broken motor activity, joint instability visible. In most cases, the treatment, the patients the doctors are full at this stage.
  • 3. degrees, sinde, name and also deformed. The knee joint is bent, unstable, still, definitely non-functional. A medical intervention that requires serious and continuous pain syndrome. To relieve joint motion, people needed a cane.

Depending on which stage the person asked for help, schema therapy, developed by an expert. Unfortunately, people care, knee pain or use of analgesics after receiving medical help most of the time already pass for the usual ointment.

The first signs of symptoms

Depending on the severity of symptoms is divided into 3 stages in the development of the disease. Symptoms vary greatly and specificity of the early development of gonarthrosis.

In the first stage of pathology, the following symptoms:

  1. knee pain during squatting, walking, stair;
  2. the pain in the joints long-term load or cooling;
  3. knee pain at the end of the day or in the morning;
  4. after breakfast in the morning stiffness and pain work day.

Later symptoms characteristic 2. and 3. stage (increase demand):

  • pain, acute and long-term;
  • swelling in the region of the joint;
  • maybe the emergence of liquid in the joints;
  • possible impingement between the particles, joint surfaces, cartilage, meniscus, synovial villi as a result of immobility caused by the sudden (so sharply, pass);
  • step foot difficult;
  • developing joint immobility.

The pace of development of dystrophic processes varies with the degree of the severity of symptoms and the presence or absence of more traumatic factors. For example, stress or speed up inflammatory processes in the body, is a destructive process.


For the diagnosis of gonarthrosis:the use of

  • blood tests (general and biochemical);
  • X-rays;
  • arthroscopy;
  • MRI.

The most important diagnostic method to confirm the diagnosis, a radiography gonarthrosis. Though, the cartilage tissue condition to consider during the initial phase of disease and X-ray images if he fails to do however, bone changes, 2. and 3. the phase can be clearly seen. Ayşe:

  1. narrow joint space;
  2. heart disease, cancer, stroke the edges of the patella, the edge pointed – osteophyte;
  3. periosteum changes;
  4. the change in height, a lamp, and others.

However, using an arthroscope to examine the changes in more detail. With his help, you can determine the status of the cartilage, meniscus, synovium. Used features less of him because of a strong trauma to the Joint, such as, in fact, of this little operation a few small holes. Sometimes used in the treatment of knee replacement arthroscopy (cartilage or meniscus if the need to delete a slice of my broken). Helps detect soft tissue changes in early osteoarthritis of the knee joint, ultrasound and MRI. These methods are also well indicates the state of cartilage, synovial membrane and fluid.

Exercise therapy and exercise in osteoarthritis

Exercise help strengthen and restore joint function. To perform them, slowly and gently, why sprains and permissible load to hang.

It is considered the most effective the following exercises:

  1. In order to slowly straight leg raising, lying face down. In this exercise involved the muscles of the hip and lower leg. Let's get this movement the load on your back. To raise the legs must not be too high. Most importantly, the strain of muscles at the highest point;
  2. This exercise in a similar way, first, only, now you should upgrade, leg, knee bent. They also force the muscles of the buttocks at the highest point. Workouts you must do each leg the same number;
  3. Flooring (wife) raise the leg straight up and then breeding party with and take. This exercise is necessary for strong, educated, abdominal muscles, therefore, is appropriate for all patients. In addition, execution can occur blood pressure. Have hypertension or other diseases patients, cardiovascular system, better leave it;
  4. To perform the next exercise you need to bend the side of the yacht lying on the floor, the knee on his leg, and slowly raise the delay and reached the top of the other. Important when you run at an angle, each leg was the same;
  5. For this exercise you will need chairs. Sitting on a flat, alternating legs, up and the most likely time for you to relax in a stretched position;
  6. By keeping the helpful climb this chair or bed socks. Such as when you run you need to exercise rest a few seconds in the top spot to the other and enhanced strain of the leg muscles;
osteoarthritis circuit

Doctor office in more than one session will show you the basic techniques, she might be sick, ankara also problematic knee yourself. Literacy action to improve the situation in the damaged region.

Physiotherapy treatment

Activities think also applies to physiotherapy, subsequently, painful joints exposed to auxiliary methods. Sick gives significant relief in the initial stages of physical therapy the disease, removes the pain, relieving spasm, the knee joint and faster recovery feature Nov. Also, some types of medicated skin through physiotherapy allows you to enter, route, dose reduction, drug, etc., received in the patient.

The effect of physiotherapy all methods can be divided into several groups:

  1. Decrease pain;
  2. And reduce inflammation;
  3. Facilitating restorative joint power and joint function recovery.

What kind of effects a doctor to determine what may be necessary to the patient based on current symptoms, and comorbidities.

Osteoarthritis during Operation

Radical methods of surgical treatment relates to partially or completely reveal the functioning of the knee joint. Surgical treatment methods are different from each other in the degree of intervention of the affected joint.

  1. Arthroscopy is the most gentle of methods related to surgical treatment. Minor trauma, even for this method include early osteoarthritis as applicable and therapeutic efficacy. The main aim is to prolong the life of damaged joints. Made arthroscopy an endoscope with a flexible probe with a camera at the end. The knee joint is made and entered endoscope through the small holes and utility vehicles. Tissue removed during operation, the damaged areas which causes pain. Most suitable for young people and if necessary repeat the operation again and again.
  2. Arthroplasty applies to the most radical surgical methods. This is the Full Restore feature, just a knee joint implant or a portion of the swap. A good alternative to this method, a previously existing method – Fusion (full immobilized damaged joints). Returns the replacement currently 90% of positive results and significantly improves the quality of life of patients.
  3. When applied in the joints of the osteotomy developed in joint function and significant deformation is visible there. Is the creation of artificial bone fracture, osteotomy, where it was planned in advance. Specifying the correct physiological status of a piece of bone and then braid them . Artificial retainers that can be used sometimes during the operation, bone fragments contribute to a more sustainable location Bone.


While you are on a special diet when it comes to osteoarthritis, then, usually, often because the patient is aimed at reducing weight gain, in most cases, this promotes excess weight gain in a large joint. Provides nutrition, small portions of food a time is approximately 3 hours. Daily meal for weight loss you will need to add lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit) and eliminate fat (lamb, pork). It should be vegetable protein, and bean plants. The decline of spare refining crude oil nutritional dietary compliance to the realization also use salt.

Or rejection use treatment diet provides a minimum of protection, smoked and fried foods (an appetite suppressant). To restore torn cartilage, necessary to provide the body with complex carbohydrates (grains products, whole wheat bread). That should be included in the food juices (carrot, beet, apple). They meet and the effect of reducing toxins in the body inflammatory processes.

The idea that you must diet in the meat and fish that helps to build new cartilage a type of cartilage. It should be noted, is the recipe for the diet not only your dietitian will be able to get himself alone the best option (expert on diets).

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, water, oil and sugar, fruit juice, boiled eggs;
  • Second breakfast: one cup fat-free natural yoghurt;
  • Lunch always, the answer: meat or fish, steamed vegetables, unsweetened tea;
  • Dec meal: casseroles, cottage cheese, nuts, a glass of fruit juice;
  • In the evening always the answer: vegetable salad, applesauce, unsweetened tea;
  • The second night is always the answer: one cup fat-free yogurt.


Such bad care of yourself like a disease gonarthrosis joints, it doesn't bother you. Pathology of defining symptoms, please to the doctor until early mobility, flexibility, joint tissue disappears completely. Treatment in advanced cases leads to untimely disability.

Joint disease alert:

  • active sports bulk load on the legs;
  • with the inclusion in building diet products and food containing calcium, magnesium, gelatin;
  • if a comparison with the work, movement, weight lifting, please pay attention to the safety rules to wear a particular more load norm;
  • regular self-massage for prevention of osteoarthritis, in particular, a constant load of the foot;
  • a balanced limit "harmful" products;
  • control body weight (weight overhead joints);
  • regularly survey and treatment of acute and chronic disease.

Care of your health Nov-each year the effectiveness of the skeletal system. In the determination gonarthrose consult a doctor. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the home is a must – have item successfully treated.


In the early stages of osteoarthritis of the knee joint provided for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment pathological process of troubleshooting the causes is sufficient positive. An opportunity to obtain treatment that gives a long-lasting remission, however, the treatment is usually lifelong. In the absence of necessary treatment, and also in the event of default, the prescribing doctor, the patient, the causes of osteoarthritis of the knee disability.